Years ago, therapy was almost taboo.  Thank goodness we have evolved as a society and are now able to celebrate the therapeutic journey and those who seek therapeutic counsel!  Making the choice to seek therapy, and which therapist to select, can be very overwhelming, with so many questions and options.  I have created this page in order to assist you in making the process as clear as possible.
Many people contact me asking if I think they need therapy, as if it were something to be embarrassed about.  I emphasize how therapy is a different and often more valuable version of the "advice" they may seek from family, friends, or co-workers.  Therapy is unique however, because I am the only completely impartial person in their lives whose only motivation is to support and guide them in meeting the goals that they define.
So, When Should I Talk to Someone?
If you have concerns in any of the following areas, please call me and we can discuss your options further...(916) 412-8503
  • Addictions- overeating, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, or workaholic behaviors.  If an addiction to any of these listed items is interfering in your life or relationships, then you should consider therapy. 
  • Emotional Issues- grief, depression, excessive jealousy, anxiety, phobias, or panic attacks.  Most of us are dealing with some sort of emotional issue that can get in our way.  But, don't lose your job or your relationships over them.  You can learn to manage and heal them through therapy. 
  • Relationships- problems with family, partner, friends, or work relationships.  Relationships can be intense, and sometimes we make some unhealthy decisions that can affect us for a long time.  Work through these relationships with the help of a therapist. 
  • Stress- difficulty with life events, illness, or other life stressors.  Stress effects every part of our lives.  We all seem to accept stress as just a normal part of our lives, but too much of it can affect you physically, emotionally, socially, etc.  Use therapy to aid you in managing and decreasing stress.  
  • Low Self Esteem- shy, insecure, feeling worthless, not accepted, unhappy with physical appearance or place in life.  You will live your life in fear if you don't heal from these low self esteem issues.  Revitalize yourself through your work with a therapist. 
  • Life Changes- illness, parenting, finances, career, stage of life transitions, relationship changes.  We all go through certain life changes.  Some view it as a right of passage.  But some of us have a difficult time dealing with these changes and need some support.  This is a very common time to begin the counseling process.  
And if you want to take a test to help you decide if this is the time to start therapy.....
I've attached a link to Psychology Today, a magazine which is a leading publisher of current therapeutic trends and discoveries.  This online test can help you assess whether therapy is right for you at this time.
 Asking for help is one of the bravest things you can do for yourself, and it is often very difficult for peole to ask for help.  It shows strength in your character that you have acknowledged a problem or an area for growth and want to improve it.  I am here to help you.  Call me at 
(916) 412-8503 or email me at:
I look forward to working with you.

   Is Therapy Right for          Me at this Time?